Our business hours are Monday to Friday 8.30am to 5.30pm.
- Our standard business hours hourly rate is $150 plus GST
- A monthly maintenance agreement discounts our standard hourly rate to $125+GST per hour (24/7). Clients on a maintenance agreement are given priority over ad hoc clients, even in emergencies.
- A maintenance agreement is any one or more of the following:
- $55+GST per PC per month for email, phone and remote support with a service level target of 2 business hours. If we cannot respond within two business hours, we will let you know as soon as possible.
- $125/server per month for weekly server health checks, remote configuration and monthly security patching (cannot be taken in isolation unless covering four or more servers).
- $110/hr for regular scheduled onsite time (as much as you need, min 2hr blocks, min 4hrs per month. A regularly scheduled 4hr half day is discounted to $400+GST A regularly scheduled full 8hr day is discounted to $760+GST)
- Please note: this is not a set contract, it is billed in advance and you can choose to walk away from the agreement at any time for any reason.
- Our out of hours rate is $200 plus GST
- Travel time over 30 minutes is charged at the applicable hourly rate (total of forward and return journeys combined). If you have a maintenance agreement with us, travel time is waived.
- For out of hours calls 100% of travel time is charged at the applicable hourly rate. If you have a maintenance agreement with us, travel time is waived.
- All Off-site work, Telephone, email & remote support is charged at $35+GST per 15 minute increment. This fee is waived if you are already on our email, phone and remote support maintenance agreement.
- A standard PC build is charged at $250 plus GST for the first PC then $125 per additional PC done concurrently at our office. A “Standard Build” includes installation of SSD’s and/or memory modules and a clean install of Windows (with or without a reinstallation for Windows 10) and Microsoft Office and all applicable software updates. A suite of free apps may also be added such as Adobe Reader, Flash Player, Paint.NET, Notepad++ and VLC as well as Anti-Virus software. A build is charged at our standard hourly rates if done at a clients premises. Additional software installations will be charged at our usual hourly rate (minimum of 15 min block). A PC or Mac clone to SSD is charged at $125 plus GST if done at our office, standard hourly rate if done on site.
- Minimum charge for any site visit is; is 1 hour during business hours; or 2hrs out of business hours at the applicable hourly rate.
- Emergency calls necessitating re-scheduling of another client’s appointment incur an additional surcharge equal to 50% of the applicable hourly rate.
- If you aren’t there when we arrive at your premises we’ll try to ring you and wait a minimum of 15 minutes before deeming the appointment cancelled. The visit will be invoiced as if it were a normal appointment per the above criteria.
- Payment is required at the end of the visit or call. Payment can be made by cash, cheque, PayPal (to [email protected]) or direct transfer (preferred). Credit card payments can be taken and processed via Paypal using the PayPal Here app. Paypal incurs a 2.4% surcharge (which is exactly what they charge me). Clients on a maintenance agreement will be invoiced monthly.